
  As a asthmatic I often wake up at night with a terrible cough. I've also noticed that Faith has started to do the same lately so I set off to do a little research and came to conclusion that a cool mist humidifier would be the best choice. I've purchased humidifiers and vaporizers in the past. Normally they are bulky and end up growing mold inside, so when I came across the CVS portable humidifier that only requires a 12 ounce water bottle, I was so excited. The first night I tried it out, there were no cough episodes. The water bottle lasted about two days, and the machine is virtually quiet. I noticed I had to change the water bottle every night after the second day. Also Aquafina water bottles worked better than Dasani bottles for some reason so I ended up pouring water into the water bottle I orginally used the first night. I'm not sure how safe that is. Other than the changing of the water so often or only being able to use a certain water bottle, I have to say I am pleased with this purchase.




I've learned that any regular diaper bag will not work when you have a premature, oxygen dependent baby. Every free hand, arm and shoulder counts when it comes to trying to manuever an oxygen tank, baby and the nasal cannula that dangles or should I say trips the heck out of you. I ordered the the Little Life Diaper Backpack. Its so cute and compact! I should add that its very convenient...but after 2 weeks the strap broke and I had to tie it together in order to be able to carry it on my back.


Since I only have 2 hands, I always need a place to put Faith when we're home alone and I'm trying to get something accomplished. I ordered this little gadget which was rather tricky to put together but she loves it nonetheless.

Recently I purchase a Schwarz Baby and Toddler Scale, its pretty cool. It isn't too big and I can slide it underneath my bed when I don't want to look at it. Must be careful when baby reaches toddler age because scale does tip over easily if child is put in a sitting position on it. The readings seem to be very accurate. Overall it was a good buy. I purchased it through for 49.99 and I give it an A+

Isn't too greasy, I "like" it. There is no scent. Didn't really help with eczema though but provided relief. I give it a C+

Aveeno Baby, Lightly Scented

I love this stuff! There is a light scent to it, not too strong for a toddler with eczema. Smells good enough for an adult to use. But I wouldn't use it on a newborn. 

California Baby Eczema Cream A++
Two words...Miracle Cream, started working in Faith's eczema instantly. Love it!!